General Policies
The mall is a privately owned and operated shopping center. For the comfort and safety of all visitors, please refrain from the following:
Smoking. Soliciting. Loud or abusive language. Running. Skateboarding. Inline Skating. Horseplay. Loitering. Weapons are prohibited except as authorized by state & federal law. Using or consuming alcohol or illegal substances in the common areas. Wearing obscene or offensive clothing. Bringing animals onto the property other than service animals for persons with disabilities. Photographing or videotaping this property without written approval. Engaging in any act that violates local, state, or federal laws.
The Owner reserves the right to prohibit any other activity that affects the comfort and safety of its guests, and reserves the right to ban anyone at the Owner's discretion.
The property owner may monitor these premises by recorded video.
Thank you for your cooperation.